Now showing items 31-38 of 38

    • Reports of interactive meetings with policy makers 

      Magagna, D; Rousseau, N; San Bruno, G; O’Hagan, AM; Chambel Leitao, J; Perez-Collazo, C (Streamlining of Ocean Wave Farms Impact Assessment (SOWFIA) ProjectPlymouth, 2013-10-30)
      The Streamlining of Ocean Wave Farms Impact Assessment (SOWFIA) Project (IEE/09/809/ SI2.558291) is an EU Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) funded project that draws together ten partners, across eight European countries, ...
    • SOWFIA Project - Work Package 4 Final Report 

      Simas, T; O’Hagan, AM; Bailey, Ian; Greaves, Deborah; Marina, D; Sundberg, J; Le Crom, I (Streamlining of Ocean Wave Farms Impact Assessment (SOWFIA) ProjectPlymouth, 2013-11-01)
      The Streamlining of Ocean Wave Farms Impact Assessment (SOWFIA) Project (IEE/09/809/ SI2.558291) is an EU Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) funded project that draws together ten partners, across eight European countries, ...
    • Homophobia, Brexit and constitutional change 

      Channing, I; Ward, J (Emerald, 2017-10-09)
      <jats:sec> <jats:title content-type="abstract-subheading">Purpose</jats:title> <jats:p>This paper addresses some of the future challenges that the vote to leave the European Union (EU) may have on the UK’s constitutional ...
    • The proportion of the population of England that self-identifies as lesbian, gay or bisexual: producing modelled estimates based on national social surveys 

      van Kampen, SC; Lee, W; Fornasiero, M; Husk, K (Springer Science and Business Media LLCEngland, 2017-11-13)
      There is currently no widely accepted estimate of the proportion of people in England that self-identifies as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB), which is needed if we are to compare health inequality between different ...
    • Heaven is a Place: The politics and poetics of LGBT location in a community dance film 

      Mock, Roberta; Parker, Kayla; Way, Ruth (RoutledgeNew York, NY and London, 2017-04-24)
      Through a discussion of a local, movement-based performance for and through digital video, this chapter draws upon a range of scholarly dis- ciplines (including performance studies, film studies, somatics, queer studies, ...
    • ‘Gender Fraud’ Where do we go from here? 

      Childs, Penelope (University of Plymouth, 2016)
      This paper outlines work in progress that examines liability for sex offences involving ‘gender fraud’ and asks how things might be viewed differently from a transnormative perspective. It considers vitiation of consent ...
    • Heaven is a Place film trailer 

      Parker, K; Mock, R; Way, R (Sundog Media and University of Plymouth, 2014-06-29)
      Online trailer for the 17-minute experimental dance film, 'Heaven is a Place', made with members of the LGBT community, whose personal narratives of longing and loss are told through a series of poetic encounters in the ...
    • ‘It’s Nothing Personal’: Anti-Homosexuality in the British Workplace 

      Einarsdottir, AE; Hoel, H; Lewis, DO (SageUK, 2015-12-01)
      Scholarship on homophobia has been critiqued for being individualistic and psychological, failing to account for structural inequalities, experiences of homophobia and discursive manifestations of homophobia. This Economic ...

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