Now showing items 31-40 of 2092

    • Assessing the Impact of Racist Incidents on the community in Plymouth. 

      Pac-Soo, C; Taylor, E (2023)
      This report details the findings of research, funded by the University of Plymouth, to evaluate and assess the impact of racist incidents on the community in Plymouth. It has been acknowledged by Plymouth and Devon Racial ...
    • Psalms 

      Phillips, M (TateLondon, 2024-05-01)
      Apart from the faint clicking of ultrasonic sensors, the occasional clunk of motors engaging, and the random squeak of rubber tyres on polished gallery floors, Psalms slowly and silently performs it’s graceful, predefined ...
    • spɛktə/ - on Digital Dust, Ectoplasm and the Infinite Architecture of the Fulldome. 

      Phillips, M (Wiley, 2024-08-01)
      The history of the fulldome is intertwingled with architectural mechanisms for viewing and representing the heavens, weaving the mythological, the divine and theological, the astronomical and astrological into the fabric ...
    • Bronze Spheric Theme 

      Phillips, M; Hodges, J; Tate, (Tate St Ives, 2020-01-20)
      Interactive Projection of a virtual Bronze Spheric Theme for Tate St Ives Naum Gabo Exhibition co-produced with i-DAT and Tate Digital.
    • ISBN 9780367341435 

      Phillips, M (RoutledgeLondon, 2021-12-31)
      This chapter explores the origins of creative practice-based research, its roots in the Art College system and its struggle to emerge imago like in the University system. It reflects on the academicisation of art and ...
    • Developing Sustainable Makers 

      Macpherson, P (University of Plymouth Pressuk, 2023-07)
      This essay will discuss my developed professional and teaching knowledge of sustainable making processes and how I have used this to focus creative learners on how to explore personal values and strengthen their sustainable ...
    • Unboxing the Black Box 

      Macpherson, P; Smith, R; Phillips, M; Dooley, R; Aga, B; Crogan, P (, 2022-09)
    • Courtyards thermal efficiency during hot regions’ typical ‎winter 

      Al-Hafith, O; B.K., S; de Wilde, P (2018-10-20)
      Many researchers have experimentally proven the thermal efficiency of courtyard buildings in hot regions during summer. However, a limited number of studies have tackled courtyards’ winter performance. In these studies, ...
    • A Review of the Iraqi Housing Sector Problems 

      Al-Hafith, O; Satish, BK; Wilde, P (IOP, 2021)
      Housing is one of the important necessities for people. It comes after food and drink according to Maslow’s pyramid of human needs. It also influences countries’ social cohesion, stability and development and at the same ...
    • The Thermal Performance Prospects of Courtyards in Cold Conditions 

      Al-Hafith, O; B.K., S; de Wilde, P (2022)
      Aiming at developing more thermally comfortable and energy efficient buildings, some studies have been advocating using traditional architecture’s passive design strategies. Among the rarely investigated architectural ...

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      Atmire NV