Now showing items 81-90 of 1870

    • Biodegraders of Large Woody Debris Across a Tidal Gradient in an Indonesian Mangrove Ecosystem 

      Hendy, IW; Shipway, JR; Tupper, M; Etxabe, AG; Ward, RD; Cragg, SM (Frontiers Media SA, 2022-05-25)
      There has been limited research on the breakdown, recycling, and flux of carbon from large woody detritus (LWD) in mangrove forests. The breakdown of LWD is caused by guilds of terrestrial and marine biodegrading organisms ...
    • An assessment of the ecosystem services of marine zooplankton and the key threats to their provision 

      Botterell, ZLR; Lindeque, PK; Thompson, RC; Beaumont, NJ (Elsevier BV, 2023-10)
      Zooplankton are a key group of organisms at the base of the marine food web and are fundamental to providing a broad range of societal and economic benefits which have previously remained poorly defined. This research ...
    • Artificial reefs built by 3D printing: Systematisation in the design, material selection and fabrication 

      Yoris-Nobile, AI; Slebi-Acevedo, CJ; Lizasoain-Arteaga, E; Indacoechea-Vega, I; Blanco-Fernandez, E; Castro-Fresno, D; Alonso-Estebanez, A; Alonso-Cañon, S; Real-Gutierrez, C; Boukhelf, F; Boutouil, M; Sebaibi, N; Hall, A; Greenhill, S; Herbert, R; Stafford, R; Reis, B; van der Linden, P; Gómez, OB; Meyer, HS; Franco, JN; Almada, E; Borges, MT; Sousa-Pinto, I; Tuaty-Guerra, M; Lobo-Arteaga, J (Elsevier BV, 2023-01-02)
      The recovery of degraded marine coasts and the improvement of natural habitats are current issues of vital importance for the development of life, both marine and terrestrial. In this sense, the immersion of artificial ...
    • Machine learning in marine ecology: an overview of techniques and applications 

      Rubbens, P; Brodie, S; Cordier, T; Destro Barcellos, D; Devos, P; Fernandes-Salvador, JA; Fincham, Jennifer Irene; Gomes, A; Handegard, Nils Olav; Howell, Kerry; Jamet, C; Kartveit, KH; Moustahfid, H; Parcerisas, Clea; Politikos, D; Possebam, Sandi; Sokolova, Maria; Uusitalo, L; Van den Bulcke, L; van Helmond, ATM; Watson, Jordan; Welch, H; Beltran Perez, Oscar Dario; Chaffron, S; Greenberg, DS; Kühn, B; Kiko, R; Lo, M; Lopes, Rubens; Möller, Klas Ove; Michaels, W; Pala, A; Romagnan, J-B; Schuchert, P; Seydi, V; Villasante, S; Malde, Ketil; Irisson, Jean-Olivier (Oxford University Press (OUP), 2023-09-26)
      Machine learning covers a large set of algorithms that can be trained to identify patterns in data. Thanks to the increase in the amount of data and computing power available, it has become pervasive across scientific ...
    • Towards a scientific community consensus on designating Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems from imagery 

      Baco, AR; Ross, R; Althaus, F; Amon, D; Bridges, AEH; Brix, S; Buhl-Mortensen, P; Colaco, A; Carreiro-Silva, M; Clark, MR; Du Preez, C; Franken, M-L; Gianni, M; Gonzalez-Mirelis, G; Hourigan, T; Howell, K; Levin, LA; Lindsay, DJ; Molodtsova, TN; Morgan, N; Morato, T; Mejia-Mercado, BE; O’Sullivan, D; Pearman, T; Price, D; Robert, K; Robson, L; Rowden, AA; Taylor, J; Taylor, M; Victorero, L; Watling, L; Williams, A; Xavier, JR; Yesson, C (PeerJUnited States, 2023)
      Management of deep-sea fisheries in areas beyond national jurisdiction by Regional Fisheries Management Organizations/Arrangements (RFMO/As) requires identification of areas with Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs). ...
    • The intrinsic primary bioreceptivity of concrete in the coastal environment – A review 

      Bone, JR; Stafford, R; Hall, AE; Herbert, RJH (Elsevier BV, 2022-05)
      The proliferation of artificial concrete structures (ACSs) in the marine environment causes intertidal habitat loss and is a poor surrogate for natural rocky shores in terms of species richness, abundance, and community ...
    • Synergistic Effects of Applying Potassium Nitrate Spray with Putrescine on Productivity and Fruit Quality of Mango Trees cv. Ewais 

      Alebidi, A; Abdel-Sattar, M; Mostafa, LY; Hamad, ASA; Rihan, HZ (MDPI AG, 2023-10-28)
      The current investigation represents of the synergistic effects of application of potassium nitrate (KNO3) in combination with putrescine (Put) on flowering, productivity, and fruit quality on Ewais mango (Mangifera indica ...
    • The distribution and characterisation of microplastics in air, surface water and sediment within a major river system 

      Napper, IE; Baroth, A; Barrett, AC; Bhola, S; Chowdhury, GW; Davies, BFR; Duncan, EM; Kumar, S; Nelms, SE; Niloy, MNH; Nishat, B; Maddalene, T; Smith, N; Thompson, RC; Koldewey, H (Elsevier BVNetherlands, 2023-11-25)
      Rivers are key pathways for the transfer of microplastics (MP) to marine environments. However, there are considerable uncertainties about the amount of microplastics transported by rivers to the ocean; this results in ...
    • Current- and Wave-Generated Bedforms on Mixed Sand–Clay Intertidal Flats: A New Bedform Phase Diagram and Implications for Bed Roughness and Preservation Potential 

      Baas, JH (Frontiers Media SA, 2021)
      The effect of bedforms on frictional roughness felt by the overlying flow is crucial to the regional modelling of estuaries and coastal seas. Bedforms are also a key marker of palaeoenvironments. Experiments have shown ...
    • On the role of organic matter composition in fresh-water kaolinite flocculation 

      Guo, C; Guo, L; Bass, S; Manning, AJ; Jin, Z; Zhou, Y (Elsevier BVEngland, 2023-11)
      Organic matter has long been understood to affect fine sediment flocculation, yet the specific effects of different types of organic matter remain only partially understood. To address this knowledge gap, laboratory tank ...

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