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dc.contributor.authorCotton, D
dc.contributor.authorDyer, A
dc.contributor.authorWinter, J

Sustainability is an important issue in Higher Education and is increasingly embedded within the formal curriculum alongside the greening of university campuses and estates. The University of Plymouth has a strong reputation for sustainability, currently holding the top position in the People and Planet Green League. The university aims to embed sustainability throughout the university curriculum, community, culture and campus (University of Plymouth 2006). However, to date there has been little research which explores the student perspective of campus sustainability. Understanding the student perspective is necessary if educators are to establish if and how campus-based learning about sustainability takes place. This can help to develop and enhance existing learning opportunities, and encourage an inclusive and comprehensive approach to sustainability at the university. This project therefore aimed to:

• Identify the ways and extent to which aspects of the university campus impact on students’ understanding of sustainability through informal learning experiences; • Develop a guide for staff and managers at the university on how the campus can be better developed and utilised to enhance the student learning experience with respect to sustainability.

dc.publisherUniversity of Plymouthen
dc.titleA sustainable campus? Students’ perspectives of informal learning about sustainabilityen_US

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