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dc.contributor.authorWarren, G.

Warren, G. (2015) 'Spatial and temporal variability of a mixed sediment estuary', The Plymouth Student Scientist, 8(1), p. 186-193.

dc.descriptionTo accurately predict future and past coastal environments it is extremely important to understand sediment dynamics and variability. The process of bedform development is highly influenced by the sediment composition and biogenic matter present in a coastal environment. Most subaqueous sediment comprises of mixtures of cohesive clay and cohesion-less sand and silt. The sedimentary bedforms that develop are fundamental in controlling fluxes of particulate and dissolved matter in marine environments (Baas et al. 2012). However, very little field research has been undertaken in mixed sediment dynamics, particularly in modelling bedform development from laboratory and field collected data of mixed sediments. The lack of data on sedimentary bedform characteristics leads to great difficulty in producing accurate models of key processes in coastal areas. This project aims to address the lack of data by combining comprehensive data of sediment and bedform characteristics with bathymetry and biogenic matter to improve our understanding and prediction of bedform behaviour in a mixed cohesive and cohesion-less sediment environment....en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Plymouth
dc.rightsAttribution 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectcoastal environmentsen_US
dc.subjectsediment dynamics and variabilityen_US
dc.subjectsediment compositionen_US
dc.subjectbiogenic matteren_US
dc.subjectmixed sediment estuaryen_US
dc.titleSpatial and temporal variability of a mixed sediment estuaryen_US
plymouth.journalThe Plymouth Student Scientist

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