Table of contents


Frazer Underwood Artificial Intelligence and the future of nursing practice 

Mental health and learning disability nursing competition - winner

Lerryn Udy, Experiences of people with mental health problems who frequently attend general and psychiatric emergency departments: a qualitative systematic review

#400words: knowledge + action

Morwenna Macleod, The use of VR in preceptorship programmes: a critical review of the literature

Paul Cadger, Introduction of Tier 2 Dementia Training to Cornwall’s Health and Care System

Peta Temple, Runi Liverod, Emily-Jo Hawkins and Roseanna Hall, Patient and public involvement to inform a new trauma informed service development and future service evaluation

Marie Prior and Susan Blake, Delivering an effective and efficient urgent care response to people at home: a skills-led approach

Recent Submissions

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Theme by 
Atmire NV