Table of contents


Frazer Underwood In this edition… 

Chief Nurse Research Fellows Evidence Implementation Projects

Kerry Siau, Evaluating placement experiences of mental health nursing students following the implementation of a Collaborative Learning in Practice (CLiP) model

Trudi Walker, Newly qualified community nurses’ transitional experiences in the first year: stressors, coping strategies, and resilience

Anisa M. Mursal, Exploring and developing critical care nurses’ understanding of ‘Big Data’ and identifying research opportunities

Sarah Grant, Transient Ischaemic Attacks and personalised care plans: evaluating adoption and improving impact across Cornwall

Zeynep Demirtas, Evaluating the impact of physical group activities on anxiety and depression across psychiatric inpatient settings

Susan Laycock, Identifying the need, metrics, and themes for future development of a fluid balance assessment tool in end stage kidney disease (ESKD): a dietitian’s perspective

Rashima Hamdan, Exploring staff attitudes to urinary catheter care: an evidence informed change project

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Oluwafemi Alo, Nursing people on stroke units whose first language is not English: a service evaluation

Meghan Corby and Ralph Hammond, A student allied health professional’s reflective account of a research delivery placement: changing attitudes

Ruth Wood and Dr Gorki Sacher, The prospective impact of respiratory physiotherapist training in focused ultrasound in intensive care (FUSIC) within a district general hospital: a case series

Chloe Parkin, 'Person centred care and influencing factors within mental health services: a literature review

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