Table of contents


Judith Rowbotham, Kim Stevenson and Samantha Pegg


'The Wolves let loose at Wolverhampton’: A study of the South Staffordshire Election ‘Riots’, May 1835. David Cox, p. 1-31

Freedom of Expression from the ‘Age of Extremes’ to the ‘Age of Terror’: Reflections on Public Order Law and the Legal Responses to Political and Religious Extremism in 1930s Britain and the Post 9/11. Iain Channing, p. 32-57

In Defence of Intrinsic Human Rights: Edmund Burke’s Controversial Prosecution of Warren Hastings, Governor-General of Bengal. Chris Monaghan, p. 58-107

Worshipping Bacchus: Prohibition in Savannah, 1899-1922. Lisa Denmark, p. 109-140

Ominous Parallels and Optimistic Differences: Opium in China and Afghanistan. James Windle, p. 141-164

Revisiting the Detective Figure in Late Victorian and Edwardian Fiction: A View from the Perspective of Police History. Haia Shpayer-Makov, p. 165-193

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