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dc.contributor.authorCoffey, Danielle

Coffey, D. (2017) '‘There isn’t a Town, Village or Hamlet in which Children are not being Sexually Exploited’, Safeguarding Our Children: How Effective are UK Responses to Child Sexual Exploitation?’, Plymouth Law and Criminal Justice Review, 9, pp.141-161. Available at:


The purpose of this research project was to explore the effectiveness of UK responses to the crime of child sexual exploitation (CSE). In order to do this, I interviewed a number of professionals working on the frontline with varying degrees of experience from a range of perspectives. The data collected explored current responses to CSE, how effective these responses are, changes in how CSE manifests, multi-agency collaboration, as well as recommendations for improving responses. Recent high profile cases of CSE have moved exploitation to the peak of many agencies agendas; finally giving the thousands of children and young people the voice they deserve. The research found that despite some positive working practices in safeguarding our children, many responses remain inadequate to the task. Key areas that need to be addressed include: improving the availability of services and resources, increasing education and training around CSE, creating a more cohesive multiagency response and reforming policy and legislation. The research highlighted how it is the task of all agencies responding to CSE, whether it is with victims or offenders, to improve and revise their responses to CSE to better safeguard children and young people.

dc.publisherUniversity of Plymouth
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)*
dc.subjectSexual exploitationen_US
dc.subjectChildren and Young Peopleen_US
dc.subjectPartnership workingen_US
dc.title‘There isn’t a Town, Village or Hamlet in which Children are not being Sexually Exploited’, Safeguarding Our Children: How Effective are UK Responses to Child Sexual Exploitation? en_US
plymouth.journalThe Plymouth Law & Criminal Justice Review

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